Výtah z českých dějin v Žitavská kronice Jana z Gubenu
Datum publikování: {"encoding":"marc","content":2017}
Klíčová slova: IV., český král a římský císař, Karel, 1316-1378, 14. století, historiografie, historiography, Žitava (Německo), Zittau (Germany), urban historiography, Johann von Guben, Zittau, 14th century, Charles IV
Abstrakt: The Town Chronicle of Zittau is actually the earliest urban historiographical work, which was created on the territory of the Kingdom of Bohemia, to which Zittau immediately belonged until the first decades of the 15th century. It was written down by the scribe Johann von Guben, who kept his chronologically ordered, German language records until 1375. The chronicle has been preserved in the original, or in a manuscript, which was commissioned at the latest in 1395. Besides very interesting (and often unique) information on the reign of Charles IV, it also contains glosses from Czech history, which are written in Latin and placed above and below the actual text. It is precisely to those that the printed article / study draws attention.
Rubrika: Články, Hlavní články
Rozsah stran: s. 121-140
Status recenzování: recenzovaný článek
Licence: Libre Open Access
Citace (ISO 690)
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