K "dialogu" mezi středověkými (a raně novověkými) kronikáři Na příkladu staročeské kroniky Martimiani
Datum publikování: {"encoding":"marc","content":2017}
Klíčová slova: Martinus Polonus, -1279, staročeština, kroniky, kronikáři, překlady, srovnávací metody, old Czech language, chronicles, chroniclers, translations, comparative methods, Martimiani, textual transmission
Abstrakt: In this article, we explore the possibility to reconstruct medieval thinking of chroniclers. In particular, we focus on the Old Czech translation of so-called Martimiani Chronicle (also called The Roman Chronicle, Chronicle of Emperors and Popes or Chronicle by Beneš from Hořovice), whose Czech translation probably dates to the 15th century. We compare preserved manuscripts and the incunabula mutually while also considering the foreign source texts (German chronicle by Jacob Twinger von Königshofen and Latin Cronica summorum pontificum imperatorumque ac septem etatibus mundi by Martinus Polonus). The resulting textual differences can be most likely seen as products of an imaginative dialogue between the two chroniclers that we describe, sort and explain in the light of the historical circumstances. In addition, we disclose the intertextual relations between Old Czech Martimiani Chronicle and later chronicles (e. g. Václav Hájek’s Kronika česká).
Rubrika: Články, Hlavní články
Rozsah stran: s. 207-226
Status recenzování: recenzovaný článek
Licence: Libre Open Access
Citace (ISO 690)
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