Politické a náboženské aktualizace husitství v českých kronikách na rozhraní středověku a novověku
Datum publikování: {"encoding":"marc","content":2017}
Klíčová slova: kroniky, dějiny, husitství, utrakvismus, novověk, středověk, chronicles, history, Hussitism, Utraquism, modern history, middle ages, compactates, Early Modern Period
Abstrakt: The study compares the views of the Hussite period in the chronicler’s works written down in Latin by the direct actors in events (Vavřinec of Březová, senior of the Táborite church Nicholas of Pelhřimov) and in the Czech-language chronicles created and issued in the second quarter of the 16th century in print (the texts of Martin Kuthen, Bohuslav Bílejovský and Václav Hájek of Libočany). Besides the same moments in the works of the Utraquist authors (emphasis of the importance of Hussitism for the history of mankind in its journey for redemption, Czech messianism), it also notices the differences, especially the tendencies to the fictionalization of the events and fears of the disintegration of church unity (threatened by the appearance of Luther’s reformation and the radicalization of Bohemian Utraquism) on the pages of the printed texts.
Rubrika: Články, Hlavní články
Rozsah stran: s. 159-179
Status recenzování: recenzovaný článek
Licence: Libre Open Access
Citace (ISO 690)
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