České dějiny ve světle strategie vyprávění Annales Jana Długosze
Datum publikování: {"encoding":"marc","content":2017}
Klíčová slova: Długosz, Jan, 1415-1480, středověk, kroniky, narativita, historiografie, middle ages, chronicles, narratives, historiography, Česko, Polsko, Czechia
Abstrakt: One of the research option of monumental chronicle epos from cracow's canon Jan Długosz Annales seu Cronicae incliti Regni Poloniae represents relation between cronicle, or it's author and czech history. In his rather negative attitude mainly during time of Hussite's revolution dominated two basic motives - strict accusing Czechs of heresy and at the same time accenting common origin and language alikeness of czech and polish "nation". Aim of the study is to point out chronicler's using of this two "plot" while actualising the view in pre-Hussite period and to create a narrative frame of czech historical "story" in contrast with history of his own land. Outcome of analysis is attempt of uncovering and introducing narrative strategy which Długosz applied during construction of czech´s issue chapter chiefly in chronological older part of Annales.
Rubrika: Články, Hlavní články
Rozsah stran: s. 181-206
Status recenzování: recenzovaný článek
Licence: Libre Open Access
Citace (ISO 690)
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