Za vědu o vývoji Jan Mukařovský a Antoine Meillet
Datum publikování: 8.2021
Klíčová slova: Antoine Meillet, tendence, Société linguistique de Paris, Ferdinand de Saussure, fonetický zákon, Jan Mukařovský, antropologická konstanta, diachronie, Roman Jakobson, trends, phonetic law, anthropological constant, diachrony
Abstrakt: This article examines the possible influence of Antoine Meillet’s thinking on the Prague Linguistic Circle, especially on Jan Mukařovský. Based on a comparison of Jan Mukařovský’s studies from the 1930s and selected works by Antoine Meillet, we find three intersecting topics: the rhetoric of the new science, the sociological conception of linguistics and in particular the concept of general linguistics as a science of the laws of development. We show that Meillet’s and Mukařovský’s sociological conception of language and artwork leads in the final instance to a reference to a certain material basis for the norms under examination.
Rubrika: Hlavní články
Rozsah stran: s. 285-311
DOI: 10.51305/cl.2021.03.01
Status recenzování: recenzovaný článek
Licence: CC BY-NC-ND
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