Pražské benediktinky mezi klášterem a světem. Klauzura ve svatojiřském opatství ve středověku
Datum publikování: 9.2024
Klíčová slova: St. George’s Convent in Prague, Prague Castle, Benedictine nuns, monastic enclosure, visitation, Gerhoh of Reichersberg, St. Ludmila, Annals of the Canon of Vyšehrad, Admont
Abstrakt: The study focuses on the issue of monastic enclosure in St. George’s Abbey at Prague Castle. It gathers sources related to the contacts of Prague Benedictine nuns with the outside world and examines how their separation from the world evolved from the beginnings of the convent in the 10th century to the enforcement of strict enclosure in the first third of the 17th century, which was accompanied by extensive architectural modifications influenced by the Council of Trent. Special attention is given to the visitation of the monastery by Cardinal Guido in 1143, which may have resulted in the initial tightening or introduction of enclosure, though not comparable to later regulations. Based on this finding, it newly interprets the account of the siege and fire of Prague Castle in 1142 from the addition to the Annals of the so-called Vyšehrad Canon as an effort to legitimize monastic reforms through miracles associated with the relics of the abbey’s patron saint, St. Ludmila.
Rubrika: Hlavní články
Rozsah stran: s. 467-486
DOI: 10.56514/cch.122.03.01
Status recenzování: recenzovaný článek
Licence: Libre Open Access
Citace (ISO 690)
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